Project Description

The Call of The Crows is album opener for the album The Roadside Crows.

It includes a very special guest in Cowboy John at the very start with the only words in an otherwise instrumental track.

“There’s no one here but the two of us, and the roadside crows…”

And then we hear the crows and the acoustic guitar begins its old blues playing.

The guitar part came about from listening to Robert Belfour. An unceasing rhythm on the deepest string while the melody sings out on the higher ones.

The key thing I wanted to get across with this tune was a feeling of ambience; A location. A sense of where, and maybe a little bit of when.

I’d actually asked Cowboy to simply speak those words, but instead he sang an entire vocal take on a version which we’ll eventually released as Call of The Cowboy.

As with all the tracks on The Roadside Crows, this track was recorded entirely at Poons Head Studio.